Warning: Use of undefined constant ADDTHIS_SSI_PRODUCT_CODE - assumed 'ADDTHIS_SSI_PRODUCT_CODE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/andinfo1/public_html/krazie.net/wp-content/plugins/addthis-social-sign-in/addthis_social_sign_in.php on line 12

Warning: Use of undefined constant ADDTHIS_SSI_AT_VERSION - assumed 'ADDTHIS_SSI_AT_VERSION' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/andinfo1/public_html/krazie.net/wp-content/plugins/addthis-social-sign-in/addthis_social_sign_in.php on line 13
Upcoming changes on the site | krazie.net

Changes coming

I’ve decided to put this site to actual use instead of using it just to test things and rant about stupid bs that is pointless. Instead I’m going to turn my site around to focusing on what I enjoy, and that is marketing. I may have a few random posts here and there, but mostly focusing on SEO, PPC, Email marketing, and maybe even adding some useful content and downloads.

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