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November, 2016 | krazie.net

Archive for November, 2016

Fire Stick 2 Calibration Fix

fire-stick-2So the Amazon Fire Stick 2 shipped out last month and for some reason Amazon decided to remove the ability to re-calibrate the size of the screen. Well for those of you who use kodi there is some good news. There is a work-around. It’s actually a lot easier than you might think too. All it takes is about 2 minutes of your time to do, and here is how it’s done.

How to calibrate the fire stick 2 with kodi

  • Once you load up kodi on your fire stick head over to system > video output > video calibrate.
  • Next you bring the arrow down from the top left of the screen. (Use down/right on the remote). Push the center button.
  • Then you will have the bottom right arrow to calibrate and push the center button again.
  • After that is subtitle area.
  • After that it should be centered.

  • That’s it. Your screen should now be centered, at least on Kodi.

    Changes coming

    I’ve decided to put this site to actual use instead of using it just to test things and rant about stupid bs that is pointless. Instead I’m going to turn my site around to focusing on what I enjoy, and that is marketing. I may have a few random posts here and there, but mostly focusing on SEO, PPC, Email marketing, and maybe even adding some useful content and downloads.